Drain the cutlets from the egg and roll them in the breadcrumbs, turning them several times so that they are well breaded on all sides11.

Step 12
Heat the extra virgin olive oil and, once it reaches temperature, you can test it by dipping a pinch of breadcrumbs into the oil: if it immediately returns to the surface forming bubbles, it means it has the right temperature. Gently place the tuna cutlets in the pot12.

Step 13
Bubbles will form around the cutlets, cook for a few minutes13.

Step 14
Turn the cutlets using a slotted spoon and a spoon14.

Step 15
Cook the tuna cutlets on both sides until they take on a nice golden colour15. Drain the tuna cutlets on a plate with kitchen paper.

Step 16
Arrange the tuna cutlets on a tray and serve immediately on the table, accompanied by a green salad and a sauce of your choice16.
Raw tuna cutlets can be stored in the refrigerator, in a special airtight container, for a maximum of 1 day before cooking them. Once cooked, they will keep for 2 days and can be heated for a few minutes in the oven, pan, microwave or air fryer