Ready to discover the onion method ? With this system you will really save a lot of money. Word of the plumbers! What is this ingredient used for? And above all, how should we use it? We answer these questions by telling you straight away that the onion will allow you to thoroughly clean your bathroom fixtures which will be shiny again, as if they had just been purchased!
Here’s how you should proceed. Get a medium sized onion and slice it coarsely. Pour it into a container, add a spoonful of baking soda and a glass of water . With an immersion blender, chop everything. You will obtain a thick solution which you will have to filter into a clean container using a strainer or sterile gauze.
The mixture obtained will allow you to perfectly clean and disinfect your bathroom fixtures. Take a sponge, dip it in the solution and start cleaning: just a few seconds will be enough to see an incredible result! Don’t be afraid of bad smells : sodium bicarbonate neutralizes the penetrating smell of onion , guaranteeing deep cleaning of the bathroom fixtures: this ingredient is in fact a natural whitener and disinfectant.
The onion system for cleaning the bathroom
If you try the onion system , you will no longer be able to do without it: forget about expensive cleaning products or plumbers: this will solve one of the most common problems in the home.
You can also use this same mixture to eliminate bad odors in the refrigerator. Pour it into a glass jar that you will cover with transparent food film, in which you will make holes: goodbye to unpleasant odors. Finally you can also use this solution on plants ! Yes, that’s right: onion and baking soda will keep dangerous parasites away from your green jewels.