Step 2. Prime And Paint The Blocks

Spray a coat of primer onto the blocks. Make sure to thoroughly coat the cinder blocks so the pores are filled, also don’t forget to get inside the holes.

Check the manufacturer’s label on recoat times, but you should be able to flip the blocks after an hour and your time to recoat is probably going to be approximately 4 hours under ideal conditions.
If after 4 hours, the blocks feel dry and are not tacky, then go ahead and apply the first coat of paint.
Alternatively, if you don’t have a paint sprayer, use a paint brush to prime and paint the blocks.
If you are using the same acrylic exterior paint as I have recommended in the materials list, then your time to recoat is approximately 4 hours.
So if the paint feels dry and isn’t tacky after 4 hours, you can apply your second coat of paint. You may need three coats.
If you see any lighter spots still coming through, then go ahead and apply a third.
Step 3. Sand And Stain The 4x4s

First sand all of the 4×4’s using an orbital sander and 220 grit paper, and then wipe them down with a lint-free cloth.

Next, use a paint brush to apply the wood conditioner, be sure to wipe away any excess. Let the conditioner sit for 15-30 minutes.
If you feel any raised areas, then go over them by hand with grit sandpaper.
To give you a sense of time, I was able to cover one side of all 6 boards, setting a time for 15 minutes halfway through, with about 10 minutes remaining.

Now apply the wood stain with a brush. Be sure to wipe the stain down with a rag after a few minutes, so take care to not apply too much at a time.
I was able to cover one side of a 4×4 at a time, then wiped it down before moving on to the next. When all 6 were done, I flipped each and repeated the process.
If it’s your first time staining, or you need a refresher, here’s an excellent, fairly quick YouTube video on how to stain wood.
Once the stain is completely dry –at a very minimum of 2 hours (check the label), seal it with a clear water-based exterior urethane.