8 tips to get rid of smelly feet

If you’re tired of being embarrassed by the smell coming from your feet, it’s time to do something about it. Luckily, there are many ways to get rid of smelly feet, both at home and through preventive measures, you can take when you aren’t wearing shoes. Here are eight simple tips to get rid of smelly feet so you can enjoy the summer sandals season once again!

8 Ways to Get Rid of Smelly Feet for Good

How to get rid of smelly feet
How to get rid of smelly feet

1) Do not wear socks at night

One way to get rid of smelly feet is to simply not wear socks at night. This allows your feet to air out and prevents the build-up of sweat and bacteria that can cause foot odor. Additionally, be sure to wash your feet with soap and water every day, paying special attention to the areas between your toes. You might also want to try using a foot powder or antiperspirant on your feet to help keep them dry and free from odor-causing bacteria.

2) Use an antiperspirant

When it comes to smelly feet, sweat is usually the culprit. To help combat this, start by using an antiperspirant on your feet before you put on socks and shoes. You can also try sprinkling some antiperspirant powder inside your shoes to absorb moisture and keep your feet dry.

If you don’t want to use anything in your shoes, then apply a foot lotion or cream with zinc oxide (to stop sweating) after showering. For persistent problems, see a podiatrist who may prescribe stronger remedies like those containing aluminum chloride hexahydrate which reduces sweat production in addition to preventing fungal growth and bacterial odor-causing bacteria.

3) Dry your feet thoroughly after showering

Drying your feet thoroughly after showering is one of the most important things you can do to prevent smelly feet. Be sure to dry between your toes and around your heels.

4) Wear comfortable shoes

One of the best ways to prevent smelly feet is to wear comfortable shoes that fit well. Avoid shoes that are tight or made from materials that don’t breathe, like plastic or rubber. Instead, opt for shoes made from natural materials like leather or canvas. And be sure to rotate your shoes regularly so they have a chance to air out between wearings.

Spray them with antiperspirant before you put them on: Just because you’ve rotated your shoes doesn’t mean you’re not still sweating in them. Spray any type of shoe with an antiperspirant to cut down on moisture and bacteria buildup.

Change socks often: It may seem simple but keeping fresh pairs of socks on hand can make all the difference when it comes to getting rid of smelly feet.

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5) Let your shoes air out for a few days

If you’re wondering how to get rid of smelly feet, one of the best things you can do is simply let your shoes air out for a few days. This will help reduce the build-up of sweat and bacteria that are causing the odor. Plus, it’s a good idea to rotate your shoes so you’re not wearing the same pair every day. This will give them a chance to dry out completely between wearings.

6) Keep dirty shoes separate from clean ones

Dirty shoes are the main culprit when it comes to smelly feet. To keep your shoes from stinkin’ up your home, try to keep them separate from your clean shoes. You can do this by storing them in a different closet or on a different shelf altogether. If you’re really worried about the smell, you can even put them in a storage bin with a lid.

7) Use foot powder regularly

If you want to get rid of smelly feet, start by using foot powder regularly. Apply it after you shower and before you put on socks or shoes. Not only will this help absorb moisture, but it will also keep your feet dry and reduce the risk of bacteria growth. Plus, it will help your feet feel more comfortable throughout the day.

8) Buy odor-absorbing shoe insoles

If you’re looking for a way to get rid of smelly feet, buying odor-absorbing shoe insoles is a great place to start. Not only will they help absorb any excess moisture, but they’ll also help keep your feet feeling fresh and dry all day long. Here are a few things to keep in mind when shopping for shoe insoles

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