5 Easy Ways to Strengthen Hair Follicles

Everyone knows that strengthening your muscles will result in a stronger, sturdier body. The same goes for your hair follicles. A strong, healthy hair follicle is the key to visible and healthy hair. That’s because a healthy hair follicle has an inner layer that produces sebum, which nourishes the outer root sheath and protects it from damage.

You can strengthen hair follicles by exposing them to stress and repairing them when they’re damaged or weak. These 5 Easy Ways to Strengthen Hair Follicles.

5 Easy Ways to Strengthen Hair Follicles

Strengthen Hair Follicles
Strengthen Hair Follicles

Eat a Healthy Diet

Eating a healthy diet won’t lengthen your hair, but it can help strengthen your hair follicles. Healthy hair follicles produce more sebum. A diet rich in protein and omega-3 fatty acids will help you produce more sebum. Foods rich in protein, such as fish, eggs, legumes, and soy products, contain amino acids that your body uses to build sebum.

Other dietary components that may support healthy hair growth include iron and zinc, vitamin B6, potassium, and manganese, which are found in bananas, chocolate, whole-wheat bread, legumes, and fish.

Exercise Regularly

Exercising regularly will help strengthen your hair follicles, increase blood circulation, and improve your hair’s health. Exercise is an excellent way to strengthen your hair. When your body is under stress, your hair follicles are more likely to become damaged or weak. But, when your body is under stress, your hair follicles are under greater stress as well. So, when you exercise regularly, you increase blood circulation and help to repair the damage caused by this increased stress.

Get a Good Night’s Sleep

When you’re having a good night’s sleep, your body is at rest. That, combined with a diet rich in antioxidants, will help to strengthen your hair follicles. Antioxidants are essential for maintaining the health of your hair and skin, as well as your general health. They fight off free radicals and prevent the formation of harmful molecules. One of the best antioxidants for your hair is Vitamin B.

Vitamin B helps to maintain hair’s shine and softness, as well as strengthen the hair follicle. Other nutrients found in a good night of sleep include proteins, amino acids, minerals, and vitamins, which are all essential for strong, healthy hair.

Stay Away From Stressful Situations

Living in a stressful environment can weaken your hair follicles and make you more likely to develop hair loss. Whether it’s a stressful job, relationship, or family issue, avoiding stressful situations will help keep your hair follicles strong. If you have a stressful situation you need to get out of, try to do so as soon as possible.

Avoid stressing yourself out with “what ifs” and make sure to take care of yourself so you’re not under stress when you deal with the situation. Some people find it helpful to journal their feelings or work on a relaxation technique. This can help you to regain some of your mental energy and focus so you don’t end up stressing yourself out.

Shower With Conditioner

Trying out a new hair care routine can help strengthen your hair follicles. One way you can do this is to use conditioner in your shower instead of shampoo. The conditioner contains ingredients that help condition your hair and scalp, while also nourishing your hair follicles.

Conditioner can also be used as a detangler, which removes tangles from your hair so your hair falls smoothly instead of sticking together. This can help to strengthen your hair follicles, as the conditioner prevents breakage and hair damage caused by daily friction.

MASK Before You Shampoo

Exfoliating your skin before you shampoo can help to remove dead skin cells and impurities. Exfoliating your skin before shampooing can help to strengthen your hair follicles, as impurities in the pores pull your hair out, increasing blood flow to the follicles. Exfoliating your skin can be done with a scrub, a pomegranate scrub, or a salt bath. Once the impurities are removed, you’re left with softer skin and pores that are less likely to damage your hair follicles.


You may have heard that you can strengthen your hair follicles by exposing them to stress and repairing them when they’re damaged or weak. This is true. But you can also strengthen your hair follicles by eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, getting a good night’s sleep, staying away from stressful situations, showering with conditioner, and exfoliating before you shampoo.


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